Web Map Layer Settings / Tile Services |
{ "roads":{ "type": "ArcGISCache", "url": "Server Name/ArcGIS/rest/services/Map Name/MapServer", "resolutions" : [ 92.6043518753704, 26.4583862501058, 13.2291931250529, 6.61459656252646, 5.29167725002117, 3.96875793751588, 2.64583862501058, 1.32291931250529, 0.661459656252646, 0.264583862501058], "tileSize": [512, 512], "tileOrigin" : [-5220400, 4470200], "projection": "EPSG:27700", "projectionDef": "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy +datum=OSGB36 +units=m +no_defs ", "units": "m", "restrictedExtent": [230000,629267,320000,704092], "maxExtent": [230000,629267,320000,704092] } }
Most of the required settings can be determined by querying the map layer to get its properties, by appending "?f=json&pretty=true" to the end of the url in a browser, e.g.:
http://server name/ArcGIS/rest/services/map name/mapserver?f=json&pretty=true
This will return a JSON description of the map from which the settings can be obtained:
"type": |
this value must be set to "ArcGISCache" |
"url": |
This is the base URL for the ArcGIS Tile Cache. |
"resolutions": |
Enter a list of all the resolutions required. Find the section that begins with "lods" under "tileInfo" and list the resolution values separated by commas. e.g. "resolutions" : [ 42.3334180001693, 21.1667090000847, 10.5833545000423], |
"tileSize": |
This is in the "tileInfo" section. List the values for "rows" and "columns" separated by a comma. e.g. [256, 256] or [512, 512]. |
"tileOrigin": |
List the "x" and "y" found under "tileInfo" > "origin" |
"projection": |
Refer to Projections page for details. |
"projectionDef": |
Refer to Projections page for details. |
"units": |
must be entered as "m", as shown in the example. m = metres. |
"restrictedExtent": |
List the xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax values. These are shown under the "fullExtent". It is specified as a comma separated list of coordinates inside the square brackets as follows: Minimum X,Minimum Y,Maximum X,Maximum Y |
"maxExtent": |
Set to the same as the "fullExtent" entered in the "restrictedExtent" entry. It is specified as a comma separated list of coordinates inside the square brackets as follows: Minimum X,Minimum Y,Maximum X,Maximum Y |